August 2, 2012

My Daughters, The Swingers

We have been trying for weeks to teach Harper how to swing on a swing.  It turns out that trying to explain front/back coordination and timing are not as easy as I think it should be.

I suddenly realize how lucky it is that we don't have to try to teach children how to breathe, or swallow, or blink.

Thank goodness for the autonomic system!

At this point, Brynn couldn't care less! She's very happy sitting in the swing and being pushed for hours.


Harper, on the other hand, can be a bit impatient, an unheard of quality in my family.  She, too, wants to be pushed on the swing, but doesn't want to wait her turn.  She hasn't yet mastered the art of swinging, so she managed yesterday to satisfy her needs in other ways.

My daughter is thinking outside the box! I win at parenting!



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