June 13, 2010

Crap Post...

What an insane few weeks. Lots of stuff happened, but I'll do the highlights in bullet points, then I'll get to the pictures and videos.

Non-baby stuff

1. The school year ended uneventfully. I've been furloughed, which means that they are interested in having me back next year, but until the budget passes, they don't have room. Something like 10% of the faculty received a furlough notice. I'm not devastated but I'm not holding my breath. I'm applying all over the place just in case.

2. This past Monday, I started working at Duquesne University as an adjunct faculty member of the Physics Department. Somehow, I managed to convince them I know how to teach introductory physics and they gave me a class in which to prove it. I'm very much enjoying the assignment and I'm looking forward to the next three weeks.

3. My outside projects on the house have come to a bit of a standstill. I built a raised-bed garden for Sara and we've been keeping that in good shape. I started working on flagstone steps to get the upper part of the yard. I finished putting the steps themselves in and now I'm stuck on the flagstone part. I can't seem to find the stone I want and I can't seem to get myself motivated to do the concrete work. It scares me a bit. I promise I will post before, during and after photos when it's up. I'm looking for more outdoor projects that I can work on this summer, but I'm almost out of ideas. I need to figure out what to with the landscaping in the back yard (retaining wall, mulch, etc.) first.

Baby Stuff

4. Harper has had a mediocre week. She was feeling under the weather last week, so Sara took her to the doctor's office, only to discover that she has a minor ear infection. We've got her on anti-biotics and the people at day care thought they were giving her hives, so they wouldn't give them to her and made me come pick her up. I took her back to the doctor and they said that no, the anti-biotics were not giving her hives.

5. Her mobility has increased drastically. She's been crawling a little less though and I think it's because she can't crawl fast enough to suit herself. She's pulling herself up on everything she can, but specializes in things with sharp objects and hard surfaces. As I type this, Sara is trying to watch a movie while Harper crawls around, hitting buttons on the remote, dragging DVDs off of the shelves and trying to get in as many plastic bags as she can get her hands on.

6. We went to a surprise party yesterday and discovered that we need to get a Little Tykes play car for Harper. She played on it for almost 2 hours. We put her inside, but after a little while, she managed to climb out and almost pull it over on herself. Good times!!

Crap post, I know. Here are pictures!!


Laura said...

Sorry about your furlough, but congrats on the Duquesne gig. Do you get to do the labs too? Physics labs are so much fun that it's almost like being a kid again.

Oh and the Little Tykes car? Money. I bought one at a yard sale for Chase a couple of years ago. It's earned its $10 price 20 times over.

Justin said...

I didn't do the labs last week because we still had school, but I'll start them this week. I'm splitting them with a friend of mine. Plus, I get to have 2 labs in the fall. I'm pretty excited about them.

Anonymous said...

Your daughter is beautiful! Takes after her mom huh? If you would like I can probably give you some advice on your flagstone. I know that you will be able to handle it! Love you sweety! Evan



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